Friday, 3 June 2016

Alice in wonderland sleeve tattoo: 3rd and 4th sittings

So I thought I would post some update photos on my Alice in wonderland sleeve tattoo, of the last two sessions because I didn't post about it the last time. The main reason was because normally the artist takes the photos when we finish for his Facebook page, and then I just save those for my own purposes, and last time he didn't take any because there wasn't too drastic of a difference that could be seen since the last time because a lot of the session was spent doing black shading between the hearts and a bit of colouring in the tree branches and mushrooms.  First I show you a before picture from the second sitting.

Here's what's new:

I'm more than happy with the way it's going, even on the first sitting it was better than I could have ever imagined and it just keeps on getting better. It's funny because this time around Rob had to work so I was there on my own (Rob normally comes in with me even though he gets bored, he just really likes being in tattoo shops because it's such a familiar atmosphere for him, ha) and I really enjoyed it. It was two hours that were purely self indulgent mummy time, spending money on myself and getting to just sit there happily swimming in my own thoughts. I think the hair metal Ben was playing definitely lifted my mood though... lol. I just really enjoyed the sitting this month. Anyone else out there find their pain place a nice head-clearing place to be?


  1. I love the art work and the colouring, detail, it looks fantastic. I have only one tattoo, which I have in the centre of my back between my scapulars. Surprisingly, I remember falling asleep as I found it rather soothing and relaxing sitting listing to the music.

    1. I have a pair of wings tattooed on my back, it's funny because I found my back to be quite relaxing too haha

  2. It is looking sooooooo amazing! Jealous! I need a few more arms with all the tattoos I want!

    AS for the pain, I definitely feel it, but it's worth it!

    1. It's so addictive. I want all the inks! But yeah, so SO worth it

  3. Oh, Honey... it looks so good! It's so amazing...

  4. It looks amazing! <3 Pain is totally worth it!

  5. Oooo, now that's really coming along nicely! Gawds, I can't wait to see it all done.

    I love being in a tattoo studio getting work done. I let my mind drift so that I don't notice the pain too much ... and the music they usually play isn't something I would seek out, so it's nice to discover new stuff while sitting there.

    1. This is true! Although he plays a lot of stuff I like he also plays things on haven't heard before and it's nice to hear something new.

  6. Lovely tattoo, enjoy the next pieces added!
